Spring 2023 Trail Runner Survey Results

Each spring, the American Trail Running Association conducts a survey to measure trail running trends from our national audience. This year we had responses from nearly 1300 individuals. Complete survey results are made available to corporate members at the Switchback, Steep & Rocky and All-terrain levels. The following selected outtakes are from our most recent trail running survey conducted in May/June of this year with data comparisons to our 2022 and 2021 spring surveys.

Trail Runner Survey Participant Profile:

• Gender of survey participants. For [2023] 57% male, 42% female vs [2022] 54% male, 44% female vs [2021] 53% male, 46% female.
• Age range of survey participants. For [2023] 16% ages 20-39, 54% ages 40-59 30% age 60 and over vs [2022] 18% ages 20-39, 57% ages 40-59 vs [2021] 20% ages 20-39, 58% ages 40-59
• Ethnicity (new question in 2022) – For [2023] 84% White, 4% Hispanic or Latino, 2% Asian, 2% two or more race, 1% American Indian or Alaska Native vs [2022] 83% White, 4% Hispanic or Latino, 2% two or more race, 2% Asian, 1% American Indian or Alaska Native
• Income level (new question in 2022) – For [2023] 56% over $81,000, 5% $30,000 or less vs [2022] 51% over $81,000, 5% $30,000 or less
• How long have you been running on the trails? For [2023] 65% more than 10 years vs [2022] 59% more than 10 years vs [2021] 51% more than 10 years
• How many days per week do you run on trails? For [2023 and 2021] 44% run 3-5 days per week vs [2022] 47% run 3-5 days per week
• How many miles do you run per week? For [2023] 46% run 6-20 miles per week vs [2022] 45% run 6-20 miles per week vs [2020 and 2021] 48% run 6-20 miles
• On what type of trail surface do you typically run? For [2023 and 2021] 58% mix it up, some days gnarly, some days gentle trail vs [2022] 56% mix it up, some days gnarly, some days gentle trail

Single track trail in the Pacific Northwest.

• What is your favorite type of trail? For [2023 and 2021] 47% list single track vs [2022] 46% list single track
• What kind of trail running do you prefer? For [2023] 82% prefer a mix of ascending and descending vs [2022, 2021 and 2020], 83% prefer a mix of ascending and descending.
• How many races will you run this year? For [2023] 72% will run 1-5, and 4% will run more than 10 vs [2022] 74% will run 1-5 races and 4% will run more than 10 races vs [2021] and [2020], 73% will run 1-5 races and 4% will run more than 10 races this year.
• What is your favorite trail race distance? For [2023] 39% prefer ultra distance, 5% prefer 5 miles or shorter vs [2022] 42% prefer ultra distance, 4% prefer 5 miles or shorter vs [2021] 38% prefer racing 50K or longer, 5% prefer racing 10K or shorter, 4% don’t race
• Do you run on trails with a dog? For [2023] 34% responded ‘yes’ vs the past three years, 32% responded ‘yes’

Tayte Pollmann and Crimson enjoy a trail outing.

Use of Activity Trackers and Training Logs:

• Do you run with a GPS watch? For [2023 and 2022] 78% run with a GPS watch vs [2021] 77% run with a GPS watch
• Do you record your running mileage in a journal or calendar? For [2023 2021 and 2020] 13% responded ‘yes’ vs [2022] 14% responded ‘yes’

Gear for the trails. Photo: Dynafit

Running shoes, poles, coaches and hydration:

• Do you run with poles? (new question in 2022) For [2023] 30% responded sometimes, and 3% when they race vs [2022] 29% responded sometimes, and 4% only use poles when they race
• Do you wear trail-specific shoes while running on trails? For [2023 and 2021] 83% answered ‘yes’ vs [2022] 84 % answered ‘yes’
• Do you wear a hydration vest while running on trails? For [2023] 73% answered ‘yes’ vs [2022] 73.5% answered ‘yes’ vs [2021] 71% of respondents answered ‘yes’
• If you don’t wear a hydration vest or carry water, do you only hydrate before and after your run? For [2023] 7% of respondents answered ‘yes’ vs [2022 and 2021] 8% of respondents answered “yes”
• Do you have a coach? (new question for 2022) For [2023] 13% say ‘yes’, and 3% are considering getting a coach vs [2022] 14% say “yes” and 4% are considering getting a coach

Top Eight Running Shoe Brands 2018 vs 2019 vs 2020 vs 2021 vs 2022 vs 2023:

• Hoka One One [2018] 14.6% vs. [2019] 18.6% vs. [2020] 19.6% vs. [2021] 22% vs [2022] 25% vs [2023] 21.75%
• Altra [2018] 19.9% vs. [2019] 20.9% vs. [2020] 20.8% vs. [2021 and 2022] 22% vs [2023] 20.79%
Saucony [2018] 8.7% vs. [2019] 8.9% vs. [2020] 7.8% vs. [2021 and 2022] 8.3% vs [2023] 9.37%
Salomon [2018] 11.9% vs. [2019] 10% vs. [2020] 10% vs. [2021] 11% vs [2022] 8.7% vs [2023] 8.97%
Brooks [2018] 12.3% vs. [2019] 12.4% vs. [2020] 11.7% vs. [2021 and 2022] 10% [2023] 8.17%
• Topo vs. [2021] 3.5% vs [2022] 3.8% vs [2023] 4.92%
• La Sportiva [2018] 5.6% vs. [2019] 5.3% vs. [2020] 4.0% vs. [2021 and 2022] 4.3% vs [2023] 4.44%
• Nike [2023] 3.81%

Trail Maintenance, Trail Building, Trail Advocacy

Building and maintaining trails creates community.


• Do you feel safe while running on the trails? For [2022 and 2023] 91% responded ‘yes, most of the time’
• Do you feel welcomed on the trails? (either by other users, trail signage, the experience … these are a few examples) For [2023] 96% responded yes vs [2022] 95% responded ‘yes’

*Editor’s Note: Check out Trails are Common Ground initiative.

• Do you feel like you are part of a trail running community? For [2022 and 2023] Nearly 75% responded “yes,” 25% responded “no” or “not sure”
• In what ways have you built or expanded your trail running community? Running trail races garnered the top response with 83% in [2023] and 84% in [2022], followed by social media at 54% in [2023] and 55% in [2022], volunteering at trail races [2023] 42% vs [2022] 44%, reading trail running magazines, articles, or blogs [2023] 41% vs [2022] 47%,running with an organized group [2022 and 2023] 40%, listening to podcasts related to trail running for [2023] 36% vs [2022] 38%, doing trail work/trail maintenance/building trails for [2023] 32% vs [2022] 34%
• Have you ever participated in trail building work (either boots on the ground or monetary contribution) or trail maintenance? 60% responded yes and for [2023] 8% responded that they were considering getting involved vs [2022] 11% responded that they were considering getting involved
• Active on social media channels had Facebook leading the way with 60% in [2023] vs 63% in [2022], followed by Instagram at 55% in [2023] and 56% in [2022]. No social media was the norm for 20% of respondents in [2023] vs [2022] 19% of the respondents

What does ATRA do well (new question in 2023)

Articles and News Stories 58%
Promoting the Sport 51%
Surveys 31%
Social Media 24%
Online Calendar 26%

Past ATRA Trail Runner Survey Summaries:

• February 2023 – Community, Footwear, and Gear
• March 2022 – Why do trail runners DNF?
• June 2021 – Spring Trail Runner Survey Summary.
• May 2020 – Spring Trail Running Survey Summary.
• November 2020 – Trail Running in the Pandemic.
• July 2019 – Montage Mountain Half Marathon Survey Summary.
• February 2019 – FOURmidable 50K Survey Summary.
• December 2018 – Moab Trail Marathon Survey Summary.
• Spring 2018 – General Trail Running Survey Summary.
• Spring 2017 – General Trail Running Survey Summary.
• Spring 2016 – General Trail Running Survey Summary.
• December 2016 – Moab Trail Marathon Survey Summary.
• November 2015 – Gender Equity in Mountain Running Survey.